Support your community during MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH by bringing awareness to mental health, letting people know they aren’t alone, and offering hope.
Hope Eden is held every May (Mental Health Awareness Month) and September (Suicide Prevention Week).
All of the money made during Hope Eden is donated to Hope Threatens Darkness. We believe that everyone should have access to mental health support regardless of financial circumstances. Our Hope Eden Fund, partnered with Refuge Center for Counseling, offers 8 sessions of counseling to someone in need. Form below!
During Hope Eden, we tattoo as many people as possible. Our goal is to create permanent reminders of hope.
Razzouk Star - The star comes from one of the ancient Razzouk Tattoo stamps. It represents the Star of Bethlehem and the first sign of hope.
Hope 2.5”- We believe that hope is the greatest threat to darkness. It is a source of life and healing.
Semicolon .5”- The semicolon was originally marked as a symbol of hope for those who battle with suicidal thoughts, but has expanded to all who choose hope over any struggle they experience. “A semicolon is used when an author could've chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you, and the sentence is your life.”
Razzouk Star - $50
Hope - $40
Semicolon - $30
Payment is not required for scheduling, but will be due after your appointment!
Tattoo slots are limited. Each slot will be 15 minutes long, and you can only book one. We ask that you arrive 10 minutes early to your allotted time, so please have that in mind when scheduling.
1 tattoo is preferred for each person, but you can get up to 2 tattoos during your slot. This will not change the duration of your slot and if time runs out, then you will only receive one.
Arms and legs are preferred as it will be a shared space and those body locations are easy to access. If you would prefer another body part outside of this, we will ensure you feel comfortable exposing that part of the body in this environment.
True Eden always tattoos at Hope Eden and depending on the size of the event, we will bring in some tattoo friends to join us!
Below is a list of tattooers who have tattooed at Hope Eden in the past!
Rachael Cunningham @trueedenstudio
Danny Siviter @templepainter
Christian Clay @rev.claytattooer
Nathan Fite @nathanfitetattoos
Ian White @artbyianwhite
Zane Pendergast @zanependergast
Eli Draughn @elidraughntattoos
English Cousins @englikethelang
Chris Cousins @cousins_tattoos
Rosie Michelle @tattletalecolumbia
Jake Hodson @jakehodsontattoo

In the past 6 years, over 2,000 people’s lives have been changed through Hope Eden. People have been reminded that their life matters; that there is always hope.
If you’re interested in being a sponsor, please email — We would love to discuss options with you!
All proceeds go to Hope Threatens Darkness, a 501-c3 that helps people battling depression and suicide. Our goal is to create a Hope Eden Fund that allows as many people as possible go to counseling (Intake + 8 Sessions covered) who haven’t been able to because of financial limitations. We don’t want anything to stand between someone getting the support they need to overcome the darkness they’re facing.
All donations are tax deductible.