God said, “I command the earth to give life to all kinds of tame animals, wild animals, and reptiles.” And that's what happened. God made every one of them. Then he looked at what he had done, and it was good. God said, “Now we will make humans, and they will be like us. We will let them rule the fish, the birds, and all other living creatures.”
So God created humans to be like himself; he made men and women.
God looked at what he had done. All of it was very good! Evening came, then morning—that was the sixth day.
Genesis 1:24-31

There are 64 designs that range in style and size. They will only be available for one person this round, but all are open to being repeated in the future. Along with the designs, there are 20 slots for Razzouk stamps. Please remember that all appointments can add a Razzouk stamp to their appointment time. These Razzouk slots are primarily intended for those who ONLY want to receive a stamp.
No changes will be made to the designs, but potential small additions if needed. I will ensure it fits your body shape, without losing the integrity of the original art. With most organic / floral pieces, I hand draw more elements to make sure that the natural curves follow your body.
There is a minimum general size for each piece that ensures it is tattooed with the intended details and longevity. They range from 4”-16”+ and are made to match the proportions of your body. All designs can go larger than the minimum, but they will not go smaller. The price will be adjusted if the size is increased to the point of needing more appointment time. These have been drawn with the intention of prioritizing the art, which is why the average size is 8”+. I want them to flow naturally with your shape.
Each design has open location options / recommendations and some are locked locations, as they were designed for specific body parts. They are created for all bodies and skin tones.
Each design has an attached photo with the design overlaid on a body to show size / placement reference.
This is the stencil outline and does not include the shading/details I include during the tattooing process. The harsh black areas are my reference for where the darkest shadows will be on the final piece. My shading technique uses light pepper shading and gradual build up of contrast. I leave a good amount of skin open, while also creating dimension with thoughtful placements of black shading.
*I do not specialize in color, but I am open to discussing color being included, if you’re interested.
If you purchase a design and want to do it as a hip adornment or matching piece on an opposite part of the body, that is an option. The price will be adjusted.
*There are specific designs that were created with the possibility of being doubled. They will be marked in the details. Doubling is not limited to this marked group.
The design will go to the first person to pay the $100 non refundable deposit. As with all my work, I take a deposit as a transaction commitment between me and you. Deposits are non refundable and go into the final price of your piece. So, please be serious about your purchase, as it will affect other people in their decision making and potentially cause someone else to get their second choice.
Razzouk stamp slots will require a $50 deposit.
I have included a price estimate that is based on the size, complexity, and the expected time I believe it will take to complete the piece. Pre Drawn designs are less expensive than my custom work, as the design process with the customer has been removed. If you want your tattoo larger than the minimum listed, then the price may increase. Once you have purchased the design and we have discussed the size / location you’re wanting, then I can send a more official price quote for you to prepare! Anything that would require more than one session can have the payments split, with a $600 minimum payment per session.
After purchase, we will be reaching out to you. Appointments for these pieces are intended to be scheduled between January - April. However, there can be flexibility to scheduling if absolutely necessary, and some will require multiple sessions that will extend past this time frame. We will email you within a few weeks to finalize details and answer any potential questions. We typically schedule within 2-3 weeks of the day of appointment. So, please be patient as we reach back out to finalize the official tattoo date.
These designs will become available for purchase Sunday, December 29th, at 2PM CST.
Once these designs are claimed, my books will be full and remain closed until I am able to take on new work.
Thank you for your continued support. I am looking forward to creating these pieces with you all. Happy Shopping :)
*These designs are the exclusive property of True Eden and not intended to be taken to another tattooer. They will only be available for one person this round, but they are open to being repeated in the future (tattoo, merch, print).